My class also traveled to Montepulciano a town in tuscany famous for it's wine and that scene in Twilight: New Moon where Edward takes off his shirt and sparkles (ugh) BUT for shits and giggles I did reenact the scene (I mean.. I took a picture in front of the same church... but that's basically the same thing due to the lack of acting in all the Twilight movies)

Montepulciano was my favorite, though the climb was exhausting, the view was totally worth it.
At the wine cellar we visited, we tasted 3 different wines and had a light lunch with some local dishes which was delicious plus I've never done anything like it before and I even found a red wine I actually enjoyed (a first for me).
Overall this was a really great field trip and I can't wait for the one next weekend to Rome, Sorrento, Naples, Capri and Pompeii.
After our bus arrived back in Florence around 5pm I went to get some gelato with two other girls who were on my bus, Christina and Alyssa. On the way there we randomly stumbled across a concert, weird right?
We stood in the crowed piazza for 10 minutes trying to figure out exactly what was going on surrounded by other tourists with the same confused looks on their faces and young middle school girls. It appeared we had found the Italian version of One Direction, oh joy. Let's just say we listened to one song, quickly decided that gelato was the better choice and kept moving.
Later, after googling it, I found out that the group we saw, Braccialeti Rossi, is actually a teen medical comedy- drama television series cast so I'm really confused as to why they sang... and I supposed I'll never really know why.
Today has been exhausting but I feel like I learned a lot about the tuscan region and overall just had a really great day. Tomorrow my roommates and I are off to Cinque Terre and I can't wait, I heard that you can go cliff jumping and kayak through a waterfall there so I hope I get to do both!
Love it!!!!